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Do you have a house that you are planning to sell? You are in the right place!

Home Staging is using limited funds, practical creativity, objectivity, market demographic knowledge, real estate knowledge and extraordinary expertise to professionally prepare a home to sell.  A professionally staged home by a certified home staging company will become more attractive to potential buyers, sell quickly and for more a lot more money. 

Home staging is magical. It's beyond decorating and cleaning. Staging makes your house look bigger, brighter, cleaner, warmer, more loving and, best of all, it makes home buyers want to buy it. Instantly!


Top 4 Reasons to Stage Your Home:

1. You Will Make More Money! The staged homes are usually sold 6% above the asking price and spend less time on the market when compared to unstaged homes.

2. Your House Will Sell Fast! The longer a property stays on the market, the lower the price it will attract.

3. You Will Get a Good Return on Your Investment! 

4. Your Online Photos Will Stand Out! Staging your home increase the visibility of your property to potential buyers.

Does Staging Really Work? On the average, a staged home sells much faster than an unstaged home.

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Home Staging Process:

1. One of  the companies cerified Home STager will visit your home before you place your home on the market, take a walk-through of your home, take some photos of each and every room, and chat with you about when you are looking to have your home staged.


​2. We will return to our office and  upload the photos we’ve  taken.  


3. We will  study each before photo and start planning out what piece of furniture would look good where, also consider what type, size, and colour of art work and accessories would compliment the space.


4. We will prepair the proposal with the cost for a full service stage, so you know ahead of time exactly what the cost of staging will be. We will have an other meeting when we will show you the detailed plan of each room and make the finale changes on the project.


5. After all the planning, shopping and packing up, it’s time for the big day – it’s time to stage!

As we have a full team of professionals we don't need to find different contractors, everything is done by the same team. We will stage the house in a day or two.

6. When all works are done, we will make a professional photo and video, that you can upload on the internet and start the selling process!

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